Flight School


Executive Air Transport’s full-service flight school can take care
of all of your flight training needs.

From zero experience, to a seasoned pilot in need of flight review or skill refreshment, we are here to help you.

We offer training for those seeking a Private Pilot license all the way up to becoming a Certified Flight Instructor.

Our training and rental fleet consists of:

Several Piper Warriors (primary for training and rental), all equipped with Garmin GNS430 GPS

Piper Arrow, a complex aircraft, equipped with Garmin GNS430 GPS technology

For the curious, we offer Introductory Flight Lessons, where you will fly the airplane under the guidance of one of our experienced instructors. This is an opportunity to sample what taking flying lessons would be like.

Discovery or Intro flights:

Please call (231) 798-2126 or email us at [email protected]

Discovery Flight

For the curious, we offer Introductory Lessons. You will fly the airplane under the guidance of one of our experienced instructors. This is an opportunity to sample what taking flying lessons would be like. Please call for pricing information.

Or click here to request a discovery flight.

Aircraft Rentals

Executive Air Transport has a collection of planes that are available to rent. Below you will find details about aircraft options, hourly rates, and our requirements for renting planes. Contact us for more details!

Rental planes available:

Several Piper Warriors, all equipped with Garmin GNS430 GPS

Piper Arrow, a complex aircraft, equipped with Garmin GNS430 GPS technology

All pilots and students wishing to rent aircraft owned or leased by Executive Air Transport need to submit copies of the following:

  1. A valid drivers license or passport
  2. Pilots license
  3. Current medical certificate (FAA doctor on site, call for appointment)

Each pilot must complete and sign a rental agreement form. A copy of relevant pilot qualifications from a logbook must also be taken and retained in the pilots file.

Contact Us to Book

Aircraft availability varies. Call or email for more information.


103 Sinclair Dr.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Phone: (231) 798-2126
[email protected]


Minimum flight training requirements


(Private Pilot Certificate):

Dual training (at least) 20 hours

Solo training (at least) 10 hours

Total Training 40 hours

Instructor rates

Primary $55.00/hour

Advanced $65.00/hour

CFI instruction – $75.00/hour


Flight training – $6,500-$11,500 for the Private Pilot Rating, depending on actual flight time and aircraft type.

Private Pilot knowledge test materials – varies depending on the publisher.

* Costs are approximate depending on the type of aircraft used and actual flight times.

Aircraft & Pricing

Aircraft pricing below includes fuel.

Piper Warrior – $145 + $10.50 fuel surcharge per hour

Piper Arrow – $185 + $14.40 fuel surcharge per hour

Aircraft Rental

All pilots and students wishing to rent aircraft owned or leased by EA Transport need to submit copies of the following:

  • A valid drivers license or passport
  • Pilots license
  • Current medical certificate (FAA doctor on site, call for appointment)

Each pilot must complete and sign a rental agreement form. A copy of relevant pilot qualifications from a logbook must also be taken and retained in the pilots file.

Private Pilot Ground School

EA Transport offers a 4-week course that will prepare you to take your private pilot written exam. Class dates to announced.

Cost for the Ground School is $385, which includes all materials necessary, including a pilot logbook!

Contact us today to sign up!

231-798-2126 or email us at [email protected]

Flight Scheduler

Click here to register.

How To Get Started

A discovery flight is where you can explore the field of aviation and get your hands on the controls.

Please call (231) 798-2126 or email [email protected] for more information.



A credit card must be on file and payment is due upon the completion of each lesson.


Contact Us

Discovery Flight Request

Fill out the form below to tell us why you’d like an intro flight.
